Hello everyone! Welcome to your second round of voting!
Prompt: What would be the perfect pizza topping?
Too hard to vote? Use voter by figgyc as an easy way to vote!
A pepperoni, people be thinking too complex its a pizza
B Why not use every single topping there is to offer?
C Another pizza slice. Carefully create the ultimate grilled cheese sandwich!
D Garfield's lasagna. Ingredients: Cheese, tomatoes, and pasta!
E Pineapples. It's an extremely underrated topping for this delicacy.
F Any is good, except for the one from Inside Out.
G Mini pizzas. It’s more pizzas, 75% more to be exact!
H Saint Dane! We all know that he's our competition's topper.
I Without sauce, other toppings scatter. Honey barbecue maintains sticky-sweet structure!
J nothing, literally nothing on the pizza. only just the crust.
K Cheese is the best topping, it's not pizza without it