So, I finally got to making this website. Honestly, I don't know why I made it. I guess it could just be so people could know me better, or just something I did without thinking too hard. It was still fun to make though.

Anyways, here's what The Hunt is about. No, it's not the one on roblox. It was an event called 'Eggstravaganza' held by my church. I thought it was going to be fun, but I set my eggspectations far too low. First, it wasn't held on the field I thought it would be on. It was on the football field. We raised 60,000 eggs for this event, and I didn't know visually how much that was, until we got to the field.

It was massive. There were so many eggs on there. I mean, You could see everyone on the field, and a whole crowd of people encircled the perimiter of it. I was thinking to myself if i was even going to get ten eggs! There's a whole crowd of people, maybe 500-750, and the amount of children (7 or lower) was a lot. I stayed strong and got ready. I was with my brother, and he had a small bag. I brought a whole backpack, and was ready to go.

There was no countdown. One kid stared running to the field. Then tens. Then I started running. It had begun. So many people rushed in to grab eggs. I was not diverted, and got to work. I rushed to the middle, thinking people would start at the eggdges, and I was right. Before me, there was a whole group of eggs, and I got on my knees and stared filling my backpack. I undereggstimated how much I would get. My backpack filled up very quickly. I stared having to use the pockets, other places to store it, and I was dumbfounded. I couldn't find anymore pockets to get from! In a panic, I opened my hoodie and started shoving eggs inside. That didn't get me far, though, since most of the eggs were already picked up and all there were were empty shells, probably ones trampled on. And then, it ended.

People started eggsiting the field, and volunteers started picking up trash. (I wanted to also, but I had to find my aunt) The stands were being filled as I ate some of the candy in my eggs. We were there for a while, and, HOLY PAKALA, IS THAT A HELICOPTER?!? Yep, I knew this from the start, but it wouldn't be as dramatic if i told you at the beginning. It was circling the field, and landed in the middle of it. Out came a person in a bunny suit (Two, actually) and were eggscorted onto a truck. They went around the field, waving at everyone, and stopped at where I saw was a picture spot. I didn't wait in line for that (because I'm not five) and walked back to that car.

I still have that bag, since it happed today, and it's still full of eggs. Some of them were full of candy, and some had toys in it. It was a really fun event to go to, and I wish I had gone to it years prior.

(also, did you count how many times I said egg in that story?)